Wednesday, April 15, 2009

New Orleans is ready for me

Thursday I made the plunge.

I packed up the car and my daughter and we have moved to New Orleans.

All the details just fell into place. Fated. Destiny. The Hand of God.

Don't ask me all those questions you rule-lovers have dancing on your tongue like pop rocks.

Don't ask for any explanation. My reasons are my own, my reality is not yours, although you are welcome to join me!

The ones that know me best, and love me most truly understand, and feel the rightness of this in their bones.

Too long have I incubated
Too long have I nested and preened
Too long have I waited
Time to fly


Jay Swizzat said...

I know you best.

Unknown said...

Thanks for stopping on my vegan blog.
I did a vegan guide to barbados in a previous post
but if you need more info you can email me via the email address in my profile on the site so I could give you some more info.
i really like your blog.